Restore Trust

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NT’s reckless approach at Woolacombe Down endangers nature

Dear Editor,

I found an article on your website from April 2022 regarding a festival taking place on the stunningly beautiful and as yet unspoilt Woolacombe Down in Devon. 

I live locally and often walk over this hill in order to hear the magic of the skylarks as they sing in the sky above my head and I was frankly appalled when this festival was allowed to take place for a second year running.

There is no question that the amount of noise and disruption caused by this event won’t have implications for these endangered birds let alone all the other wildlife that call this habitat their home.

Having contacted the National Trust about this issue I was told that they 'actively monitored the site and the impact on the landscape and wildlife following the festival', but when I asked for evidence of this, particularly in relation to the skylark population, they never got back to me.

Yours faithfully,

Jacqui Harrison