Restore Trust

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Encourage members to find out more about Council candidates and resolutions

I am just about to vote in the NT AGM elections.

I see in the NT's response to Restore Trust's resolution that 42% of voters for candidates last year and 34% of voters for resolutions just ticked the Quick Vote box.  This must mean that any novel or controversial idea is killed stone dead.  Only approved candidates and resolutions will be passed and the National Trust Board is inevitably a closed shop.  All dissent is crushed.  All successful candidates follow the party line.

It's fine to encourage wider involvement but Quick Vote tickers are surely just vaguely in favour of the NT and uninterested in the detail.  The answer to wider involvement should be to encourage people to read and understand the detail.  The Board must have known when the adopted the Quick Vote that it would strongly and permanently corrupt the vote in their favour.  Sounds more like a banana republic to me.

These two figures, 42% and 34%, just brought the iniquity of it home to me with a bang.

Stephen Lally